Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama looking forward to a "Post-America World"?

This photo is from a forwarded email I received from a staunch Republican friend who commonly sends me shit like this. The first lines of the email read: "If each person sends this to a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in three days, all people in The United States of America would have the message. I believe this is one proposal that really should be passed around."

The email goes on to say: "The name of the book Obama is reading is called: The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim. "Post" America means the world After America! Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal. We must expose Obama's radical ideas and his intent to bring down our beloved America!"

Well, I couldn't agree more. This should be sent to everyone in America...with the right information to accompany the photograph. And it should be sent back to every ignorant, mindless propaganda-forwarder with a caption that reads, "Get the facts, you moron."
A little research (accomplished in less time it takes to have a sip of coffee) reveals that yes, the book is real (no surprise there) but the rest of the information in the email is bullshit.
According to a Snopes article, the book is neither Muslim nor does it have anything to do with the fall of "our beloved America." Quite the contrary actually. The book, written by an Indian-born (but now a naturalized, legal US citizen) political journalist is actually an optimistic view of the 21st century and its future. It's not about the decline of America, but the rise of everyone else: the growing prosperity of developing countries, the associated decline of violence...things of that nature. In fact, the book predicts that despite some blunders at home and abroad, America will stay strong.
Well, that's hardly fodder for the likes of Limbaugh and Beck. Yet their disciples continue to forward crap like this photo, complete with outright bullshit descriptions to accompany it. No wonder fewer and fewer people are taking the Republican party seriously these days.

1 comment:

strangeloop said...

Not this one again! This made its rounds during the 08 campaign. Right along with the darkened picture of obama with a cigarette in his mouth and the one where Obama was pallin' around with terrorists. I wish I got these. Forward me every ridiculous email you get from now on. I'm missing out on the humor.
I know Democrats bend the truth sometimes, and yes, often they outright lie, but the Repubs seem to base their whole political ideologies on B.S. They have very little credibility these days, which is why, I believe, every conservative swinging dick out there is trying to create their own version of what being a republican really means. Unfortunately, the tea party tried to define it in their own terms, but had nothing to go on...so they just started more lies!
2012 is going to be ugly for the dems, but it will be even uglier for the country.