Friday, June 25, 2010

Common theme?

Since things obviously panned out so well for John McCain when he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Iowa is following suit. Just today I found an article that revealed that Terry Branstad, in his attempt to again hold the Governor's office after a rather lengthy hiatus, has chosen state senator Kim Reynolds as a running mate.

Sen. Reynolds (R-Oceola), is in her first term as a state senator. Prior to that office, she was the treasurer for Clarke County (2000 census pop. 9,133). She's also served as president of the Iowa State County Treasurers Association and served six years on the IPERS board.

Though I know somewhere between little and nothing about this person, I can't help but liken this to what we saw John McCain pull during the presidential campaign. A woman (though in this case not as young) with very little experience being pulled from the ranks of obscurity and thrown into a campain for a position in which she is likely neither ready for nor capable of doing well. Again, the Republican party shows that it has no shame. As if it weren't bad enough that the party had to recycle a governor from a past decade; the Repubs seem to again be counting on a fresh faced woman to win votes - not records or experience. Glad to see they have so much respect for the mental fortitude of their constituents.

I wonder if Senator Reynolds can see Russia from her house too.

1 comment:

strangeloop said...

When I run for mayor, I'm going to stoop to a new level. When I get a chance to appoint a,, Does the mayor do that stuff? Electing, appointing, even finger pointing? Either way, if they do and I will, I'm going to elect a baby in the fetus as my running mate. I mean, jeesh, look at all that potential. He could do a lot of work for this community over his life.

Vote Bohnenkamp 2012
And little baby Rob (if its a boy)
and little baby Alexi (if its a girl)