Friday, November 27, 2009


The time for food, family, fellowship, holiday cheer, and above all, gluttony. How did this holiday morph into what it is today? Families grossly overspend just to serve one meal consisting of more food than two of their families can eat. They buy decorations, and place settings and food and more food, and then they stress out in their effort to make sure everything is just perfect and it strains relationships and when everything is finally put on the table, they pay a little lip-service to a god they may or may not really believe in, let alone honor outside of the three main holidays set aside to recognize him. Then, they overindulge in every way possible because, after all, that's what Thanksgiving is all about right? Eating until you're ready to puke, sitting around lazy for a while and then eating some more. For what? To show we're thankful? Thankful for what? For credit cards that allowed us to consume the equivalent of a month's worth of groceries in one sitting? For the advertisers and societal brain-washers that convince us that we have some sort of obligation to spend more in order to make everything just perfect lest we face a year of damnation or a loss of respect from family members or some such consequence?

Yes, it's good to be thankful, but once again, the commercialization of this holiday has clouded it's original meaning to the point that it is completely lost on most people now.